
I’ve been drawing and colouring flowers!

Picture of all my miniature colourful flower drawings lined up against the window
They look like pretty happy flowers to me
However I somehow have managed to pair them up with a sad song, about a flower, in a way.
It’s actually the lyrics that are a bit sad perhaps, but I love this song and this group and I hope you’ll like them too :)

This is one of my favourite groups, their name is L’Ham De Foc and they are from Valencia, Spain.
They are unfortunately no longer together, but their records are available on line.And here are my flowers:
India ink whimsical flower drawings

They started out like little drawings. They’re rather minute, like the one the song speaks about.

I started out by painting all the spots that seemed to be yellow on each separate flower
I painted them together because they are a set.
And continued to add more colours to all of them
I tried to make them feel similar through colour.
I added most of the base colours but the details and second layers of paint took a rather long time
It took me quite a while to finish them, I kept on asking them which colour they wanted certain petals to be and they kept asking for white.
But I did finish them all, Yay! They look so bright coloured and happy.
And guess what? They were right about certain petals, they were white, I just had not noticed it at first :)

I’ve included a translation to the lyrics of this song in English and Spanish and the original lyrics in Valenciano.

The words made me sad when I first read it but I think this song is amazing.
I love the pipes and all the medieval folkloric spicy magical feeling there is to it.
Picture of a whimsical and very intricate drawing of a colourful flower with Yellow-orange petals

Skinny flower drawing

A name

Illustration of a whimsical flower with pistils opening like a fanI had nothing to loose so I took the seed
Dry and black that he kept like gold inside a handkerchief
Still in the hope that I would find comforting

And in the soil of a planter I placed it at sundown
A crib in case it grew as the sorcerer had said
who with roots had promised me a child or two

And donkey’s ear* you made me harvest, cat’s claws I searched for, foxglove from the slope,  fern from an old lady (twice)

The next day came quickly and at the same time as the dew

It sprouted and bloomed with little luck
whom only came for a day, for a day or two

and in the soil of the planter I placed at sundown
a coffin in case the little flower died
I wont have time to give you
not even a name

And donkey’s ear* you made me harvest, cat’s claws I searched for, foxglove from the slope,  fern from an old lady (twice)

*Pear melon
For more insight about what this song speaks about I found this entry on a Spanish blog (it’s in Spanish)

Acrylic and ink illustration of a whimsical flower with leaves hanging around its petals




Un nombre

No tenía nada que perder así que cogí la semilla
Seca y negra que guardaba como oro en el pañuelo
Era todavía en la esperanza de que tendría consuelo

Y en la tierra de una maceta le puse al caer el sol
Cuna por si crecía como dijo el brujo
Que con raíces me prometía un hijo o dos

Y oreja de burro me hiciste cosechar, uña de gato busqué,
Dedalera de ladera, helecho de la vieja 

El día siguiente no se hizo esperar y al tiempo que el rocío

Brotó y floreció con poca suerte
Quien sólo venía por un día, por un día o dos

Y en la tierra de la maceta le puse al caer el sol
Un ataúd por si moría la pequeña flor
No tendré tiempo para ponerte
Ni siquiera un nombre.

Y oreja de burro me hiciste cosechar, uña de gato busqué,
Dedalera de ladera, helecho de la vieja

Encontré una entrada muy interesante en un blog español que explica ciertos aspectos de ésta canción


Whimsical illustration of an intricate and colourful flower which pistils remind me of feathersOriginal lyrics in valenciano:
Un nom

No tenia res a perdre així que agafí llavor
Seca i negra que guardava com l’or al mocador
Era encara en l’esperança de que tindria consol
I a la terra d’un cossiol li posí en caure el sol
Un bressol per si creixia com digué el bruixot
Que amb arrels em prometia un fill o dos
I orella d’ase em feres collir, ungla de gat vaig cercar,
Didalera d’aiguavessant, falaguera de la vella
L’endemà no es feu tardar i al temps que el rou
Va brollar i va florir amb poca sort
Qui només venia per un dia, per un dia o dos
I a la terra del cossiol li posí en caure el sol
Un taüt per si moria la menuda flor
No tindré temps per posar-te
Ni tan sols un nom.
I orella d’ase em feres collir, ungla de gat vaig cercar,
Didalera d’aiguavessant, falaguera de la vella
Available in my etsy shop

8 responses to “Flora”

  1. Thank you so much! :)
    I've been meaning to play your game about making up words and their meanings! I've got 3 scribbled up on a napkin!

  2. Muy lindos tus dibujos, con eso tan propio tuyo y también de tu país, el colorido, el detallismo, la calidez… lo mismo para la obra como para la charla… aun no he podido escuchar las músicas de los últimos post… luego te comento sobre ellos!

  3. Hola Alice, muchas gracias por venir a ver mis dibujos! :)
    ¡Ojalá que te guste la música!
    He notado que has estado ocupada últimamente, ojalá tengas tiempo libre pronto. Te agradezco mucho tus comentarios.

  4. Claudia… la verdad es que estuve enferma, guardando cama y sin ánimo de nada… esta semana no me he sentido muy bien así es que llegaba del trabajo a la cama, y solo hoy tuve ánimo para el blog… y ya me pasé porque es muy tarde… dormiré pocas horas y convaleciente no es muy bueno! igual fue un gusto saludar… Buenas noches!

  5. Que te mejores pronto Alice, qué bueno que te hayas sentido bien hoy. Ojalá coincidamos en otra ocasión y podamos platicar por el mensajero que hay en la barra inferior :)

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