
When I thought about opening an etsy shop I began to spend time at the etsy forums, I wanted to learn everything there was to know before jumping in. 

Now, narrowing down the whole new-etsy-shop experience to just packaging orders. At first, I felt tempted to send lots of extra treats with my orders but became discouraged while reading about it at the threads. 
Some users said they expected to get exactly what they had ordered and they had no use for extra “junk”, which would increase the shipping cost.
So I decided to make the few things that I sent out with my orders very special.
 I feel that everything in the package should carry a sense of background for the item in it, something that tells where this item is coming from, not only geographically.
I hope they feel both baroque and spicy! Since living in México we literally breathe them in!
  So I try my best to pour this feeling into the way I wrap my items.
I love to draw stickers to close whatever needs to be closed and to attach a small tag from it at the very end.
My business cards are completely handmade; I enjoy making them quite a bit!
Thank you notes are something I came in contact with when I was seven years old. 
We had an American couple visit with us for a few days and they left one behind with a pretty gift.
Thank you notes are not something I grew up with but I was very attracted to that idea as a child and
I feel very enthusiastic about using them for my shop.

I was very encouraged from the replies to a thread I started so I began working on them right away.
At first I was a bit bewildered as to how to word them, I worried that my wording may fall short from my feelings of gratitude or that I might over do it.
I’m not sure if I’m wording them quite right yet. 
Each one is different and I only hope that the ‘thank you!’ comes across loud and clear.
I am pretty comfortable with the way I’m making them at this time, but there’s always room for improvement, so I’m waiting for the next inspiring idea that helps me add a bit more to them.
The first time I had an order I just did the first thing that came to mind, which was to put it inside an origami envelope. That would be the blue one pictured on the left.
The orders after the first one started taking better shape, so now what would be inside an origami envelope looks like the picture below.
I must here pause and profusely thank my aunt for having allowed me to experiment on her! As she was my very first etsy customer! (: <3

At this moment I feel drawn to bright colours  and I was happy to find a supply shop that carries color envelopes.
For small items it was good enough but most of what I send out must be sent in bubble-wrap (just in case)

And colourful bubble-lined envelopes were nowhere to be found. 

But I stumbled upon this lady making envelopes at a paper supplies shop and realised I could also make them myself and line them with bubble wrap.

My first couple envelopes got me a speech from my local post master. So I had to make a few adjustments until I stopped getting “the look” from them.
I got lots of useful advice from them, to be fair, such as “nothing should wiggle inside the envelope or 
make any kind of sounds if the envelope is shaken so as to not to draw too much attention to my parcel”

I also quickly learned they didn’t appreciate my having taped all sides and possible tape-prone places. So I’ve also stopped doing that :D

I had not really given much thought at first about selling giclée prints, even after having been asked if I had some. 
I just assumed I would be able to make something new and list it every single day. 
Little did I know back then, about how life has a particularly steady inclination to get on the way of pure joyful non-stop crafting time!
In any case, before I wander off again, this to the left is my version of a flat-mailer, I have no clue where to get them where I live at and the post office doesn’t carry them.
I’m happy they don’t! 
I love making everything I use in my shop, 
whenever it’s possible.
I think the ones I’ve made look really cute! <3
I get pretty excited every time I put a package together and send it out. 
Sometimes I wish I could show it off to my best friend before I ship it!
And sometimes I wonder if the person that 
registers the letter for me at the post office wishes he could peek inside. 
But I also think at those times that they probably don’t get too curious since they’re always swamped with lots of work
There is one package, that comes to my mind as having been very special. It still made it in the letter category, even though it was the largest I’ve mailed so far.
It had a bookmark which was special because it was the very first item that I opened my shop with, and a windsock shaped like a fish I had been wanting to make for years!
They’re blogged here: 

This was my very first “real” etsy sell. The customer left me the sweetest and most amazing feedback I could ever have hoped for! And I hear that feisty windsock lives happily under her loving eye! That has been one of the best selling experiences ever and I wish it on everyone!
Check out her shop here.
So, as I originally meant to say, I started figuring out what my packaging would look like as the orders started happening. I’m sharing them here because I like the way they look a lot and they may perhaps inspire someone that may be trying to figure out the same things that I am/was..

  And also as a reminder to my self of what I was thinking when I started out, what my intentions are and how happy it makes me to have as much as possible completely handmade.   So that in the event that orders get crazy someday I may not decrease in quality instead of improving on it! I hope to someday look back and be able to tell that I have come a long way from today and to feel then that I have made many more improvements!


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